Untouchable Beauty (The Cubi Book 1) Read online

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“How should I know? How long have you been here?”

  “I just woke up. Just before the men got here.”

  “What’s the last thing you remember?” he asked, hoping she knew more than he did. But being on a train, it probably didn’t matter if she remembered a place.

  “A man with a needle in his hand. I was…I was going to get headshots today.”

  “Heimli the photographer?”


  “Shit, me too.”

  The sound of footsteps stopped Daniel from asking more questions, and he heard a hatch or something open before the sound of something scraping across a floor. Then the hatch closed. An angry man’s voice shared an earful of curses before something was thrown around.

  “All you get,” a voice announced. Daniel stepped back and looked at the door. At the bottom he noticed a hatch outlined in the door. Sounded like dinner had arrived, so he stepped closer again and peeped out the window. The three men from before returned with a food cart full of trays. The sound of more hatches opening and closing—a few followed by yelling, screaming, and things being thrown around. Finally, they stopped by his door, and he stepped back, looking at the hatch. It opened and a tray with a lid on skidded across the floor before the hatch closed again.

  He was so starving that he had no intentions of throwing it around the cell. Plus he’d have to live in the mess for the duration of the trip, he guessed. But what if they’d done something to the food? Poisoned it? He lifted the lid, his mouth watering at the scent and sight of steak, greens, and garlic bread.

  “What kind of kidnapper serves food like this?” he asked. The red-eyed man looked at him, amused.

  “The kind who needs you healthy.” They left as Daniel pulled air in for another question. Fuck it, he was too hungry, so he brought the food to the bed and sat down to eat. It was heaven. He didn’t understand the ones throwing the food about their cells. Who knew when they’d be fed again?

  Wanting them healthy? That stuck in his head. So did the fact that they had been brought there to serve them. Like what, hard labor slaves? Where were they moving them to?

  His head filled with questions as he ate, but one ruined his appetite a few mouthfuls before he was done. Why was he naked? Why had they taken his clothes? Because with these questions came the memory of what the red-eyed man had said. That he and the others had been collected to serve them. Now he knew why the girl was afraid. Now he was, too.

  He’d heard of people getting kidnapped and sold as sex slaves. But why the whole ploy with Heimli? Was this some perverted porn-ring? Were they going to exploit the ones the camera loved for stuff like that? Would he soon be posing with the girl across the hall for some sleazy internet site selling customized porn fantasies or some shit?

  He left the rest of the food and climbed into bed, but sleep wouldn’t come. He was too horrified at what his brain conjured up of different scenarios. Rape was something you read about in the paper. But this? He’d been so stupid as to go to a photographer without anyone knowing where he was going. He’d even volunteered the information that no one knew he was there. He’d painted a fucking bull’s eye target on himself.

  Chapter Three

  Seldon stood naked in front of the panoramic window of his living room and looked out at the compound built into the side of a cliff. He could see rocks, trees, the numerous windows of the compound’s many levels, and the Kentucky sky. Sipping his coffee, he tried to remember the views of his youth. Before he had become a part of Lord Caledon’s house.

  Two hundred plus years of this view. Well, of course, it had changed. They had rebuilt or added to this Great House of Dahlidin where they lived. An old secret military compound built into the side of a mountain and hidden from view. But it had been very different growing up in Greece.

  He shook his head to get himself back on track. The hectic morning and the responsibilities of the day meant he hadn’t fed yet, and he had been trying to focus on calling for a breeder when the view stole his attention. He picked up his phone to look through the schedule when a knock at the door interrupted him. He left the phone on the sofa table and went to open the door, but Lord Caledon had let himself in.

  “Hello, My Lord. Welcome.”

  “Actually, Seldon, you’re coming with me.”

  “Yes, My Lord, I’ll just put my cup in the kitchen.” Seldon sauntered down the hall.

  “And put some clothes on!”

  “You love the view,” Seldon shouted on his way to the kitchen.

  “I do!” Caledon laughed, and Seldon heard him close the door. “But the train just came in.” Caledon stood in the living room when Seldon returned from the kitchen to head for his bedroom.

  “Trouble on board?”

  “One fighter. You got your work cut out with this one, they say.”

  Seldon snorted. “Wouldn’t be the first time a red-eye with too little experience made a fighter into more than he or she is.” Seldon passed Caledon who followed to the master bedroom.

  “I read the report on this one. He hasn’t eaten yet. He even stomped on the hand that fed him.”

  Seldon pulled on a pair of khakis with side pockets. “So, you came here to follow me down there and see this breeder?”

  “No, I came here because there are all of three Untouchables on this train.”

  Seldon stopped his search for a shirt and turned to look at the Lord’s satisfied grin. “Three?”

  “Yes, three. Seems my decision to support Heimli’s crazy plan paid off. He collected them.”

  “Damn.” Seldon returned to look for a shirt and finally pulled one from the stack.

  “Your daughter, Rosadin is on that crew, right?”

  “She is,” Seldon said, smiling proudly.

  “She brings honor to your house.”

  Pride spread in Seldon’s chest at the lord’s praises of his youngest. “She coming in, too?”

  “No, that’s not why I’m bringing you, either. I’m bringing you because my House has first dibs on the Untouchables and I want you to take one in.”

  Oh, shit no! The shock at this almost had Seldon stopping short, but he caught himself. “Yes, my Lord. Thank you for the honor.”

  “Oh, come on, Seldon, I’ve known you far too long for you to be able to bullshit me. You hate the idea.”

  Seldon smiled, looking at his Lord. Other than being fucking gorgeous with a strong purple glow to his eyes, the man’s features and body made Seldon have to fight drooling. Especially when the Lord took off his clothes. Seldon looked away, trying to not undress his Lord with his eyes as he pulled his shirt on. The smug grin on Caledon’s face said it all. He knew perfectly well what Seldon did.

  “You’re right, I do hate the idea.”

  “You have the room, and I’m sure your training of the red-eyes means you’ll have time on your hands to train an Untouchable, too. Even with a fighter. You and Chris are the next green-eyed up for the task, but you’re also a full-blooded Cubi, so I choose you.”

  “Some would call that favoritism,” Seldon said, eying his lord.

  “I don’t care. And before you come up with the next excuse, I didn’t choose you for this task because I’m your regular doser, either. Chris is my fifth sire, you’re my fourth. That’s the math of the hierarchy.”

  “Okay, okay, I was joking. I’m honored to serve the House of my Lord Caledon.”

  “No, you weren’t joking.” Amusement danced in the lord’s eyes. “You were trying to slither your way out of this daunting and time-consuming responsibility. Your loyalty warms my old heart, though. Now come on.”

  “Yes, My Lord,” Seldon said, running his hand through his short hair. Old heart? Yeah, Caledon neared eight hundred years, but he looked to be in his late twenties with jet-black hair and had an ass Seldon had fantasized about slipping his cock into on more than three hundred occasions. At least.

  “And may I remind you that you get to classify him?”

  Seldon perked up at that. Hey, ther
e is something to look forward to. “Hope he’s a virgin, then.”

  “Please, with a cock your size, most asses would feel tight enough to go for a virgin’s,” Caledon said, snorting. Seldon grinned at the compliment and opened the front door for his lord.

  Chapter Four

  Someone screamed, and Daniel jumped off the bed and hurried to the door to look out the window. Two of the men hauled two naked men down the hall. The red-eyed guard trailed behind them, catching Daniel’s eye. Daniel ducked quickly, but stayed by the door, peeking out again once the voices faded.

  The train had stopped, he realized. If the food was delivered at around the same time every day, then maybe he could estimate time spent here. At least a day and a half.

  He spotted the girl across the hall.

  “Are you naked, too?” she asked, her voice giving away that she had probably had the same horrific thoughts as he had.

  “Yeah,” he said.

  “What’s your name?”

  He was about to tell her, but then she’d just tell him her name, and he really didn’t want to be that personal if she was the next to be hauled out of there. Didn’t want to be attached enough to be thinking about what they’d do to her. So he left the window and climbed back into bed.

  What the hell was in store for them? Where had they taken them?

  Fear kept gnawing at him as time once again passed without noticeable markers. Not until he heard the wheels of the food cart and the hatch to the first cell opened. Food had so far been thrown around that cell. It hadn’t changed, and he wondered what kind of person was in that cell? An attitude problem? A stubborn mule? A survivor? What was he? What was the girl? What were the two men who had just been hauled out? What happened to them?

  His thoughts were cut short as the hatch in his door opened, and a tray slipped in.

  “Put the empty tray through,” the red-eyed man said. Daniel did as he was told just like he had the previous meals. The hatch shut and he looked at the new tray. Lifting the lid, he found bacon and eggs. There was also toast, butter, jam, and a box of juice.

  Fuck it. He was gonna make the best of the situation. He was gonna enjoy his bacon and toast. And he was not going to think about what they had in store for him in the near future.

  That resolve lasted until after breakfast when they collected the girl from across the hall along with three other young women.

  “Hey! Leave her alone,” Daniel shouted, wondering where his previous notion of not wanting to get personal with his fellow captives went. The red-eyed man stopped to look through the window in his door, once again making Daniel back up. Those eyes were fucking creepy.

  “Wanna be a hero and trade places with her?”

  “Fuck no! I don’t even know what you guys want with us.”

  “You belong to us now. You will serve us. That’s all your kind is for.” With that, he left with the others.

  Kind? Our kind? And what was he if not human? Red-eyed devil…devil?

  Oh, hell no! I’m not fucking losing my mind, now. Red eyes or not, devils don’t exist!

  The hall was quiet for a long time. Daniel sat on the bed with his knees drawn up and his arms wrapped around his legs. When he heard the guards again, he stayed where he was, fearing they were coming for him this time. More people were led through the hall, and it became eerie silent after that. Like he was the last one. Faint sobbing told him he wasn’t, though.

  Lunch came and went, and he even thought he could learn to live with being in this little cell if they’d just leave him alone. Not knowing what was in store for him, and the thoughts of why the guy had red eyes, kept gnawing at him. Kept pushing his mind and fear.

  Footsteps stopped in front of his door, and something clicked. The door opened, but he refused to look at them while he focused on keeping his breathing normal while his heart sped up. Tears pressed forward, and he fought to keep them back. He didn’t want to be some pussy, wailing as they hauled him away. Hearing shackles broke that resolve.

  “Please don’t.”

  “Get up.”

  He glanced their way, seeing the other two men also had red eyes, but not as fully red as the first one he’d seen. Only their irises and pupils. Neither looked patient, and he bundled the sheet around him as he scrambled to the edge of the bunk.

  “Leave it, you won’t need it.”

  “But I’m naked.” God, he sounded pathetic.

  “Yeah, and that’s the plan. Now get up!” The man grabbed Daniel’s arm and hauled him to his feet while another grabbed the sheet and tore it from his grasp.

  “Okay, okay,” Daniel said.

  “Don’t you fucking sneer at me, boy!” The red-eye grabbed Daniel by the hair and pulled back, making Daniel clutch at the man’s hand in an attempt to soothe the pain that exploded from his follicles. Something cold closed around his neck, and he panicked, letting go of the hand fisting his hair to grab at the steel collar around his neck. It had a chain attached to it, he realized. The one holding onto his hair didn’t let go, which Daniel was actually grateful for as he was sure the other guy would just haul him out of the cell by the collar. He’d break his neck if he fell.

  Squinting at the pain in his scalp, he followed. The sting demanded enough of his focus to prevent him from taking much notice of more than his immediate surroundings as he was led through the hall, but stepping off the wagon almost made him pause. They were underground. The man holding his hair now also held the chain as he steered Daniel across the platform to a hallway opening up into the side of the rugged cave.

  Should he fight now that only one man held him? Could he follow the tracks out?

  He grabbed the arm and tried to twist it off his hair, but a fist impacted with his stomach, knocking the air out of him.

  “Don’t even try it,” the guy growled while Daniel staggered a bit and heaved for air—the grip in his hair preventing him to falling to his knees. “You’re so far from everything you’d just die from exposure if you were lucky enough to even make it out of here.”

  “Not knowing what the hell you’re gonna do to me then it might actually be a better option, you fuck,” Daniel sneered through the pain of being dragged down the hall by his hair even faster. Bright light at the end registered, and he soon found himself in what looked like an arena. The man pulled him to one of three metal poles, secured the short chain to the middle one, and left him.

  The arena was a little more than half a circle with four levels of seats and could house more than fifty spectators.

  Spectators to what?

  Even with raw stone walls, the arena looked clean. Luckily, because then he probably wasn’t here to be some gladiator fighting to the death. The smooth floor beneath his feet wasn’t stained by blood, either. Just worn.

  The other red-eyed men came into the arena with two more people—a young man and a young woman. They were tied to the posts on either side of Daniel. Shivers tore through his body by now, and it wasn’t the cold because the place was tempered quite well for nakedness. He wondered whether that was planned because it was still March. Then again, however long he had been on the train could have him end up in quite a different climate than the suburb of New York he had left.

  Five people—three men and two women—walked into the arena. Daniel remembered he was naked and quickly covered his bits. He then noticed their eyes. A man and woman had purple eyes. The whole of their eyeballs shone a light purple. Like with the red-eyed man, the strongest color was in the pupil. Another set of man and woman had blue eyes, one light and one dark, and the last man—the biggest of them all—had bright emerald green. How could eyeballs shine like that? Other than that, they were all fucking gorgeous.

  “Shall we begin?” the woman with purple eyes asked and sat, crossing her legs. The man with the red eyeballs stepped forward with a piece of paper.

  “Yes, My Lady. We called each of you because you are on the list for Untouchables. These three are the last of our shipment. Two of nineteen, thi
s one, Twenty.” He pointed to the guy next to Daniel. “And the girl’s a virgin.”

  The girl broke down crying and Daniel sneered in an attempt to keep from crying, too. This is so fucking messed up!

  “Are the boys?” asked the green-eyed man.

  “You mean anally? Haven’t asked.”

  “I’ll take the girl,” the purple-eyed woman said. “If the House of Caledon doesn’t object.”

  “No,” the green-eyed said. “I want a male.”

  “Thank you, My Lady.” The red-eyed made a note. The girl looked confused.

  “I was hoping for one with dark skin,” the blue-eyed man said, clicking his tongue as if disappointed. Daniel glanced at the young man shackled next to himself, and he looked as winter-pale as he was.

  The people with colored eyes spoke amongst each other for a while—too low for Daniel to make out what, but they did point toward them once in a while. Finally, the green-eyed man stood and walked down the stairs. He stopped by Daniel, who had to lean his head back to look at the guy. Around late twenties, at least six foot four, and by the way his shirt hugged his body, he was all muscle. His hair was almost black, and he had a Mediterranean look about him.

  “This one?”

  “Daniel Thomas Evans, nineteen, male model. He’s the one with the least amount of fight in him, Sire Seldon.”

  Daniel shot the man an angry glance. Seldon chuckled.

  “Either that, or he’s the kind who chooses his battles. I like the surprise of it, though.” The big man stepped back and raked his eyes over Daniel’s body. Daniel looked away, feeling cold sweat break out despite the warmth of the room. “Move your hands.”


  Seldon backhanded him hard enough for Daniel to stumble a step and be caught by the chain attaching his collar to the pole.

  “Move. Your. Hands.”

  Daniel scrambled to regain his balance before reluctantly letting his hands hang by his sides. He shuddered at the obvious lust as Seldon’s eyes darkened and he wetted his lips with his tongue. The big man motioned for him to spin. Daniel’s body stopped cooperating. Either that or his brain stopped working. Maybe he had a concussion from the blow?